Get Your Borehole Drilled on Credit.

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With years of expertise in the industry, we specialize in the design, installation, and maintenance of boreholes that provide reliable access to groundwater for various applications, including agricultural irrigation, drinking water supply, and industrial use. Our team of skilled professionals employs advanced drilling techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure efficient and sustainable extraction that meets our clients’ needs.

Your Trusted Partner in Unlocking Mineral Wealth Across the SADC Region.

Our comprehensive services encompass the entire mining lifecycle, from exploration to extraction. Our expertise includes: Drilling and Blasting (Blasthole Drilling), Reverse Circulation (RC) Drilling, Core/Diamond Drilling, Shortcrete Services,⁠Contract mining (drilling ,loading & hauling).

Skylake Drilling specializes in designing and constructing all types of pile foundations for various projects within Africa. We have currently worked in (DRC , Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). Our piles are designed and constructed with a diameter from 300mm to 1500mm and a maximum depth of up to 30metres depending on the soil conditions. Other services also include: Tower tanks, Large reservoir tanks, irrigation piped schemes and Sand abstractions.

How It Works

Inquiry and Quotation Stage

The first step is to understand the clients needs and help them make the best choices. There are lots of factors that need to be discussed with the customer to help them understand their options, including the desired water yield, their location, and the local geology.

Payments, Siting and Reports

On approval, the client typically makes an initial payment and the siting process begins. A qualified and experienced hydro-geologist conducts a survey to find the best site for drilling based on different factors. ZINWA Authority to Drill Permit should be applied for before drilling commences.

Drilling, Development, and Casing

After the drilling site is approved the team sets up the drilling rig onsite. The drilling rig creates a borehole using rotary or percussive methods to reach the recommended depth in the siting report. Once the desired depth is reached casing is fitted to stabilise the borehole interior surface and to prevent contamination from sediment or other material.

Capacity Testing

When the borehole drilling is complete a temporary pump is installed to do a pump test. This test measures the borehole’s yield or flow rate and drawdown. This helps determine the correct pumping rate for sustainable water flow.

Water Quality Testing

Water samples are collected from the borehole after the pump testing phase. Proper sampling techniques ensure that the sample is representative of the water that will be extracted from the borehole. This ensures that the water quality is correct for its intended use.

Pump Installation & System Testing

Based on the borehole yield and depth, we then recommend a suitable pump type and size (electric or solar-powered). The selected pump is installed along with necessary piping, electrical connections, and fittings.

Follow our 6-step process to get your Borehole Drilling Project completed!

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Clients' Testimonials

Why You Can Trust Skylake Borehole Drilling

8 Years Of Drilling 1000s Of Boreholes Per Year

With our deep experience and skill you can trust us to deliver a long-lasting, durable, and cost effective solution.

Accurate Siting and Surveys

Our team is highly experienced and has access to the best data and technology. Our success rate is over 99.%.

ZINWA Permission to Drill Assistance

Where needed we assist customers by handling the ZINWA permission to drill application process. Our team has the expertise you can rely on, making it easy and simple to get the required permits.

10 teams With The Right Drilling Rigs For Any Need

We are available nationwide and have the right drill rigs for any requirement.

Turnkey Solution

From survey to the first sip we take care of everything including reticulation and powering pumps. We handle everything ensuring that the entire system is optimised and the customer has one point of contact for the entire project.

Customer Service

We pride ourselves on providing advice and assistance, helping our customers make the best decisions and solving their problems.

Skylake Borehole Drilling By The Numbers


Years Of Operation

20 +

Drilling Rigs


Awards Received


Boreholes Drilled


Metres Drilled


Number Of People Employed


Boreholes Drilled Every Year

45 +

Expert Drillers


Vehicles In Fleet

Our Clients

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