1. Inquiry & Quotation Stage
The process begins when a client reaches out to us with their borehole drilling needs. Our team gathers details about the client’s location, expected water requirements, and any specific preferences they may have.
- Site Visit (Optional): For clients who wish to better understand their project scope, we offer a preliminary site visit.
- Quotation Preparation: We then prepare a tailored quotation, detailing the costs of drilling, casing, pump installation, and other necessary services. This ensures transparency from the start.
Explore more about our borehole credit facility.
2. Payments, Siting, & Report Submission
After agreeing to the quotation, clients proceed with the initial payment, allowing us to begin the technical assessment phase. Our experienced hydrogeologists conduct a siting survey to identify the best drilling location.
- Hydrogeological Survey: Using geophysical equipment, we assess the groundwater availability and geological conditions.
- Report Submission: A comprehensive siting report is provided to the client, which includes findings and the recommended drilling point.
By conducting these detailed surveys, Skylake Drilling & Civils ensures that your borehole project is built on a solid foundation. Learn more about our hydrogeological surveys.
3. Drilling, Development & Casing
With the siting report in hand, we mobilize our drilling equipment and begin the process of creating your borehole.
- Drilling: Our state-of-the-art rigs drill through the geological formations to reach the aquifer.
- Casing Installation: We use high-quality Class 10 casings to secure the borehole, preventing surface contaminants and ensuring water purity.
- Borehole Development: This includes flushing the borehole to clear debris and installing a gravel pack to improve water flow.
For more details, see our article on what to expect during borehole drilling.
4. Capacity Testing
After the borehole is drilled and developed, we conduct a series of tests to determine the borehole’s yield.
- Pump Testing: Our team installs a temporary pump to measure flow rate, ensuring your borehole can sustainably meet your water needs.
- Step-Drawdown & Constant Discharge Tests: These tests help us optimize your borehole’s performance, providing the ideal pumping rate.
5. Water Quality Testing
The quality of the water is as important as its availability. That’s why we conduct thorough water quality testing to ensure that the water is safe for use.
- Sample Collection: Water samples are taken and sent to accredited laboratories for testing.
- Detailed Analysis: Our tests cover parameters like pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), and microbial content, ensuring the water meets health and safety standards.
6. Pump Installation & System Testing
Once the borehole is cleared for use, the final step is to install a permanent pump and ensure the entire system is functioning perfectly.
- Pump Selection & Installation: Based on your borehole’s yield and depth, we recommend the ideal pump type. Our team installs the pump, ensuring optimal performance.
- System Testing & Training: We test the system for flow rate, check for leaks, and ensure the pump operates efficiently. Our clients also receive a quick training session on maintenance for long-term durability.
With your borehole complete, you can now enjoy a reliable water supply.
Contact us today to start your borehole project and take the first step towards reliable water access.
Learn more about out CSR activities here.
Visit us on 214 Samora Machel Ave, Eastlea, Harare
email: info@skylakedrilling.com